Limited. Time. Luxuries.

Limited. Time. Luxuries.

Exclusive offers

Unlock Unmatched Beauty with Our Limited Time Promotions

Experience exclusive, limited-time offers at Aqua Vida Aesthetics & Wellness Med Spa, where luxury meets cutting-edge care. Indulge in our premium treatments designed to enhance your natural beauty and well-being. Elevate your self-care routine with unparalleled savings on our most sought after services.

Each offer is thoughtfully curated to ensure you receive the finest in aesthetics and wellness. Don’t miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in an exquisite experience tailored just for you. Availability is limited, so book your transformation today!

New client special

This month, we’re treating you to the ultimate self care experience! 💆‍♀️
🌟 FREE Facial with any purchase of $199 or more!
Whether you’re looking to refresh your skin, enhance your natural beauty, or simply indulge in a little “me time,” this is the perfect opportunity to pamper yourself and try something new at
Aqua Vida. 💖
Here’s how it works:
Spend $199 or more on any service or treatment
Receive a complimentary facial tailored to your skin’s needs
Cannot be combined with other promotions.
Don’t wait! This promotion is only valid for February 2025!
Make this your month to glow. ✨

Laser Hair removal promotions

🌟 Fall in Love with Smooth Skin This February! 
Say goodbye to razors, waxing, and endless upkeep, Laser Hair Removal is here to simplify your beauty routine and give you that confidence boost you deserve.
February Specials:
✨ Smooth Start: Purchase 1 Small Area, recieve a second small area for 50% OFF! ($347 in savings!).
✨ Summer Glow Bundle: Purchase 1 Medium Area and add 1 small area for only $250! ($350 in savings!).
✨ Full Body Freedom: Buy 1 Large or Extra Large Package, receive 1 medium sized area for just $500 (up to $775 in savings!)
Hurry, these deals are only available through February 28th! Treat yourself this season or gift a session to someone you love. 💌


For every dollar, you spend you’ll earn 1 point.
Every 100 points = $1, which you can use for any of our services or products.

Referral Program:
Refer a friend, and you’ll get 2,500 points ($25 value). Your friend will also receive 1,000 points ($10 value) for knowing someone as awesome as you!
*For a Limited Time, Book your first appointment today to earn 1000 points and start saving now!*
We appreciate your loyalty and can’t wait for you to enjoy your rewards!

Skin Renewal Package

Aqua Vida Aesthetics & Wellness is now offering Chemical Peels!
As a special offer to you, we are offering this Introductory Special!
Transform your skin with our exclusive microneedling and peel package, designed to enhance texture and tone for a radiant, youthful glow!
For a limited time only, receive 3 sessions of microneedling and 2 chemical peels for $1250
*To enjoy this deal, book your first microneedling session and inform our staff during your first appointment that you'd like to redeem the special.
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